Sacred Heart Church Council of Catholic Women

The Sacred Heart Council of Catholic Women is comprised of a dynamic group of  women of all ages from Sacred Heart Parish in Lawrenceburg.  Meetings are held at 6:00 pm in the school cafeteria on the first Wednesday of February, April, September, and November.

The SHCCW is instrumental in helping and supporting our parish and community all through the year in many different circumstances.  A few of the activities sponsored by the SHCCW are providing lunch following the community Ecumenical Lenten services at Sacred Heart, the Parish Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Vigil reception for new members of our Parish, reception for our Parish’s high school graduates, the Parish picnic and splash party,  annual Fall Bazaar,  Advent Angel Tree, poinsettias delivered to Parish shut-ins,  providing food boxes to community residents, distributing donations to community organizations,  meals for families following a Parishoners death, and the Parish Christmas dinner.

All women of Sacred Heart Parish are invited to attend the meetings and join in on the fellowship from women of our faith.

SHCCW Officers:

Becky Patt.........President

Kristy Whitehead.............Treasurer

Lane Rohling...........Secretary